How To Sell Scrap Gold


18th April, 2023

Selling scrap gold can be a great way to make extra money, but it's important to know how to price your gold. We've written this post so that you can get started selling scrap gold right away.

Gold is a precious metal and you can sell scrap gold to anyone, anywhere.

Gold is a precious metal and you can sell scrap gold to anyone, anywhere.

You can sell scrap gold to jewellers, jewelers or jewellery shops.

When weighing it is important to establish the weight in troy ounces, not grams or pounds.

Gold is a precious metal that can be used in jewelry and other decorative items. It's also one of the most popular forms of currency, with many countries using the yellow metal as their official currency. If you have any scrap gold (gold that has been mined but not made into jewelry or anything else), then you may be wondering how much it's worth!

When weighing your scrap gold, it's important to establish the weight in troy ounces -- not grams or pounds -- because this will help determine how much money you can get for your gold. The following guide explains how to convert between these different units:

Weighing gold by troy ounce (ozt) gives you the best idea of its value.

In this article, we will be talking about the Troy ounce (ozt). This is a unit of weight and mass. It also refers to money and measurement.

To understand how an ozt works it helps to first have an understanding of what a troy ounce is. A troy ounce is one-twelfth of an avoirdupois pound; there are 12 ounces in one standard pound (the current British Imperial system). Each ounce should weigh exactly 0.0648 grams or 5 grains; however, it can vary slightly depending on where you get your metal weighed!

The weight of scrap gold should be converted into Troy ounces.

The weight of scrap gold should be converted into Troy ounces.

Troy ounces are the standard measurement of weight for precious metals and gems, used in the jewellery industry, gold market and silver market. They have also been adopted by many other industries such as platinum group metals (PGM), which includes palladium, rhodium and iridium among others.

Start selling scrap gold now!

If you're ready to sell scrap gold, it's time to start the process. You can sell scrap gold by weight, troy ounces or grams. The best way is with a scale that will give you an accurate measurement of how much you have and what that means for your price per pound or kilo.


Now that you have the basics of what to do, it's time to move on. We hope this guide has helped you understand how valuable your scrap gold really is and how easy it is to sell it. If you're still not sure about selling your gold then don't worry! There are many different options available to help make this process easier such as our new website where we will be providing some great tips along with helpful information about each option.


14ct Gold £24.84-per gram
15ct Gold £26.54-per gram
18ct Gold £31.84-per gram
22ct Gold £38.89-per gram
24ct Gold £42.46-per gram
950 Platinum £18.68-per gram
9ct Gold £15.92-per gram
Fine Gold 1oz Bar £1423.16-per gram
Half Sovereign £168.97-per gram
Krugerrand £1422.24-per gram
Palladium £46.2-per gram
silver 100g Bar £47.28-per gram
Silver 1kg Bar £472.79-per gram
Silver 1oz Bar £14.38-per gram
Silver 1oz Coin £14.72-per gram
Silver 250g Bar £118.3-per gram
Silver 500g Bar £236.4-per gram
Silver 925 £0.35-per gram
Silver 999 £0.38-per gram
Silver 999.9 £0.49-per gram
Sovereign £337.94-per gram